Why Use Tara Trade


TARA is a consultancy specialising in Export Licensing, Export Controls, Trade, and Customs issues.
The services on offer from TARA are at three levels dependent upon the issue and an organisation's needs.
  1. External Representation e.g. to the BIS, (formaly DTI) European Commission, HM Customs, the US Government and/or organisations by experienced practitioners.
  2. Internal Consultancy, support, training, including tailor-made check lists for duty reduction, research, access to world-wide databases, and a plan of action.
  3. Advice and Support available at the end of a phone/fax/e-mail system including access to other consultancies in UK, Europe, Japan and the United States.
In matter of Export Control TARA Consultants have some of the most extensive experience available this side of the Atlantic. They can assist your business across the board and from top to bottom in defining the solutions to Customs problems, and Complex Export Control Issues.
There is a national problem in UK with the rapid elimination of expert Import/Export and Customs specialists in recent years - to such an extent that many companies are totally deficient of any expertise and wholly reliant on Freight Forwarders who are themselves unable to acquire sufficient expert personnel. TARA have saved clients tens of millions of pounds (and customs penalties) by quiet, sensible and practical application of their experience and grafting it on to in-house personnel. But, it is not just about cost reduction. This expertise is an important component in international competitiveness at both the company and the national level.
"Blue Chip" companies and their Logistics, Warehousing and Distribution functions across Europe have benefited from their advice and support in resolving issues which had a "make or break" impact on the projects.
Because of this experience a short consultation can often be enough to evaluate the viability or otherwise of a multinational company's or inward investor's strategy. TARA can also assist any established company or inward investor anywhere in Europe in avoiding major pitfalls, enhancing service and enhancing productivity in this complex area. They can point to savings of tens of thousands (and for some clients millions) of pounds and the legal avoidance of tax, duty and Vat which would not have arisen without their essential input.
TARA has worked in association with lawyers in Belgium, Germany, Holland, Ireland, Italy, Turkey, the UK and the US.